Types of Physical connectors used in Information Transmission and security


There are several types of cables that can carry electronic or digital signals. There are only a few that is specifically and strongly used in the transmission of data whether sensitive or basic. This can inevitably range from your ISP (internet service provider) to your office or home network. Take a minute to look at the different types of physical connectors used in the network/ I.T. industry.

All connectors listed above are commonly used in our day to day lives, even though they each have different applications.

BNC and F- connectors are used exclusively with coaxial cables, for broadband cable connections, with F-connector being able to transmit both video and data.

RJ-11 used in analog telephone and DSL connections, with twisted pair cable. these are becoming more and more obsolete as time goes by and fiber and ethernet is taking over.

RJ-45 used specifically for ethernet connections with twisted pair copper cabling.

ST, SC, LC, and MT-RJ are exclusively for fiber connections

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